With service Deep Cleaning we clean your house or office completely. We use professional cleaning equipment in order to assure the best results for our customers. The cleaning is done by a trained and experienced team.
This service is only requested in advance because it is needed to have the proper preparations for it. We start with taking a look at your house or office in a day and hour convenient for you. After that we prepare an offer which after accepted we fix a day and hour for the cleaning itself. The cleaning usually takes one day (very rare could take more than a day). It includes the following activities (all or some of them):
•cleaning of floors with professional equipment and detergents;
•washing of carpets;
•cleaning and dusting of furniture – outside and inside (if requested);
•cleaning of windows and woodwork – inside and outside;
•cleaning of blinds;
•cleaning of windows of terraces;
•washing of mattresses, sofas, chairs, carpets;
•cleaning of kitchen appliances;
•cleaning and disinfecting of bathrooms;
•cleaning of lights, electrical appliances, decorations;
•Cleaning of terraces.
*some of the activities as washing carpets and sofas, cleaning blinds or cleaning inside of amours and wardrobes are calculated in addition. We will give you exact offer after a look up of the house or the office.
Select an option
After renovation
After construction work